Real lifechallengesofaparalympian

The real-life challenges of a paralympian

Many of us look back at our adolescent years as a time of adventure, freedom and fun, but for one paralympian, Jack Eyers, his adolescent years were engraved with perhaps one of the life’s hardest challenges – having his leg amputated. Read Jack’s story and learn about the real-life challenges and successes of a paralympian.

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Emotional Resilience workshops

Emotional Resilience: Can we Learn to be Optimistic?

Our ability to adapt to stressful situations and life events also known as our emotional resilience, is influenced by many factors including biological variables, self awareness and regulation, mental agility, optimism, flexibility and relationships. Elevate offer a series of resilience workshops which look at all of these factors in detail. One of the most popular workshops amongst the series is the Learned Optimism workshop – our Founder Lucy Faulks shares her top three take away tips below. 

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massage therapy

5 Surprising Benefits of Massage

Often we wait until we’re at the point of burnout, experiencing physical pain or have an injury before we’d consider booking a massage. Massages can feel indulgent, even selfish and we can end up criticising ourselves for not having the strength to deal with stress like our peers can. However, if we knew the surprising benefits of massage for both our mental and physical health, we might start viewing them as a necessity not just a treat.

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Fad-free January

So, the Christmas hype is over… we have probably overindulged on both food and drink over the holidays (and quite rightly so) but feeling like we need to get our bodies ‘back to normal’ after all the ‘treats’ we have allowed ourselves. But let’s think about this for a minute; what
will you get out of a ‘detox’ diet or a calorie restricting diet, or even just a 3 day ‘juice cleanse’? I can confidently answer this question with the response ‘absolutely nothing positive’.

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