Thriving Teachers has been developed by five leading health experts to support the mental and physical wellbeing of teachers and school employees. The six modules include:

Mental Health Signposting
Stress and Resilience
Musculoskeletal Health 

Thriving Teachers two-day training course, is an opportunity to send a nominated member of staff for an intensive training programme to learn how to deliver the Thriving Teachers wellbeing programme within your school. This will enable you to deliver the modules in a format and duration of your choice, without the need for external facilitators.

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Elevate’s Co-Founders Lucy Faulks and Ruth Tongue created Thriving Teachers in response to the extensive research highlighting the impact of stress, anxiety and depression on the health of teachers in the UK – 75% of teachers report experiencing stress (including depression, anxiety and panic attacks),  72% of teachers feel that their school doesn’t provide them with enough guidance and support on health and wellbeing and 75% feel that their physical health is a concern.

Each module has been created and tailored to suit the needs of the school environment and include ways in which to implement behaviour changes across the whole school.

1. STRESS AND RESILIENCE – Exploring common signs and symptoms of physical, mental and emotional stress, recognising stress triggers, understanding the traits of resilient people and learning short term and long term tools for developing personal resilience including learned optimism.

2. MENTAL HEALTH SIGNPOSTING – This module covers the key mental health conditions in the UK, particularly those seen in the teaching profession (depression, anxiety disorders and suicide). We will study the signs and symptoms of these mental health conditions, understand the pathways for treatment and develop the confidence to approach, communicate with and support someone who may be suffering with a mental health condition.

3. MINDFULNESS – This module explores the benefits of mindfulness and meditation for health, productivity and performance. This is an accessible introduction to mindfulness to allow for sharing of the background, context, practical tools and mindfulness meditations to help both teachers and pupils in their everyday life.

4. NUTRITION – Our nutrition module covers the essentials of a balanced diet and the link between diet and current and future health, mood, energy and sleep as well as the common nutrition concerns in school employees such as lack of time to prepare healthy food, inadequate hydration and poor snacking habits.

5. SLEEP – This module explores the link between sleep and the different aspects of health, sleep hygiene and healthy sleep habits, the emotional and mental factors linked to poor sleep and common sleep disorders. You’ll learn practical tools to help ensure a healthy sleep cycle.

6. MUSCULOSKELETAL HEALTH – The health of our musculature and skeleton is something often neglected, yet we know that teachers have a higher rate of musculoskeletal disorders than other professions (Studies have shown that between 45 and 95% of all teachers have experienced a back or joint disorder). In this module we look at common postural imbalances seen in teaching staff, develop understanding of the lifestyle factors affecting musculoskeletal health and learn practical techniques to improve health for the long term.

To find out more, please contact 
[email protected]

The two day training includes:

  • Two full days of training with Elevate experts
  • Intensive training on the six modules including content, delivery techniques, tools, handouts and further reading
  • Guidance on ways to boost engagement, promote the programme, deliver sessions with impact, gather feedback from sessions and utilise the online documents on ongoing support available

Additional supporting information provided:

  • Ongoing engagement suggestions to help boost long-term behavioural benefits
  • Expert recommendations for filtering knowledge into the overall school environment
  • Manual with handouts for each session
  • Supporting podcasts for each module which can be shared with all staff
  • Access to ongoing support group
  • Access to a refresher webinar recapping information from each module and FAQs
  • Poster and email content to help promote the programme within your school
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